Original art work dated 1967 from Van Gaard Studios with a musical theme featuring lutes, a lyre, and a clarinet (at least we think it’s a clarinet). The front of the work is signed “Van Gaard” in the upper left corner and there is a label on back which reads “Original Painting by Van Gaard.” There is also a stamp above the label which reads “C. Van Gaard Studios, Inc., 1967″. Overall dimensions are 35.25″ x 45.25”.
Inquire at midcenturyvibe@gmail.com.

Can you please tell me what this painting sold for? I have one just like it.
Hi, Kris – We sold this painting about 3 years ago and can’t remember what it sold for. The market can shift quickly for vintage items, which means the value from two or three or ten years ago is likely different from what it is today. (We’ve even seen wild shifts in value within a few months’ time.)